Shareholder centre

Manage your shares

Buy and sell shares through our registrar, Equiniti, on their Shareview platform

Equiniti (EQ)


EQ is our registrar, looking after the registration of all sales and purchases, the maintenance of our shareholder register and the payment of dividends to our shareholders.


Contacting EQ


Contact EQ if you have any queries about your account.




Shareview in an online service provided by EQ which allows shareholders to access and manage detailed information about their holdings including balance movements, indicative values and dividend payments. All of your shares in one place. Free, easy & secure. You can use Shareview to manage your Severn Trent shares.

To register for Shareview, you'll need your shareholder reference number. This appears on documents issued by EQ. You should contact EQ if you can't find your reference number.

The benefits of using Shareview Portfolio:

  • Monitor all your shareholdings (even those that aren't with EQ)
  • Buy and sell shares
  • Manage your personal details
  • Vote at Company Meetings
  • View Dividend Confirmation/Tax Vouchers online
  • Access information in Share Incentive Plans (SIP) and Save As You Earn schemes (SAYE)

Want to reduce your carbon footprint? Sign up to receive e-communications and view your statements online.



It is possible to donate your shares, or proceeds from them, to charity. If you’d like to use your investment to help others, there are a couple of programmes we’re involved with.