
Capital Markets Day 2023

We held our Capital Markets Day on Thursday 12 October 2023.

Four key areas

Here you can access videos from the event which focused on four key areas of our recently submitted PR24 plan:

ODIs for AMP8

Hear from Customer Operations Director, Steph Cawley on the ODI changes for AMP8 and the work that we’re already doing to get ahead of the curve.

Ofwat are going to be bringing in more common ODIs, nearly all of which have higher rates than AMP7, meaning they’re worth more, providing great potential for outperformance.

We’ve always been brilliant at ODIs and we’re confident that we have what it takes to remain sector leaders in AMP8.

Delivering value for our customers

Our plans for AMP8 include a huge programme of investment, which will deliver brilliant outcomes for our customers and the environment.

But with that comes a higher bill and so it’s incredibly important for our customers and our regulators that our bills are fair and good value for money, we support those who are struggling to pay their bills and that our customers support the investment that we’re making.

Hear more from HR Director, Neil Morrison, here.

UMEs – our big investments

Shane Anderson, Director of Strategy and Regulation, talks more about UMEs (un-modelled expenditure), which are the special cases that we’ve put forward to Ofwat that are over and above the amount we spend to run the business day-to-day, in order to deliver an enhanced level of service to our customers.

In AMP8 the really big reason behind our UMEs is to meet new legislation – which means our enhancement cases are bigger than ever.

In fact we’ve put in 11 business cases, worth a total of £5bn.

Deliverability of our plan

James Jesic, Director of Capital Delivery and Commercial, takes you through some of our ground breaking Capital plans for AMP8.

AMP8 will see us launch our biggest investment programme EVER at almost £13 billion, of which over £6 billion will be delivered through our capital programme – more than double the size of the AMP7 capital programme.

It’s an amazing opportunity for us to drive real change and we’ve been getting ourselves ready to start with a bang.